Author Archives: ls-team

Sony’s DRM Nightmare

In 2005, an organization had been covertly installing a program similar to a rootkit onto [...]

The Worst Way To Make A Password

There are many ways to make good passwords. How do you make a password that [...]

Don’t Delete Your System32

System 32 is essentially the heart of the computer’s software. Task manager, the boot-up instructions, [...]

Remember the Apple Wheels?

Ah, Complaining. Apple Wheels The Apple Mac Pro cost several thousand dollars, and it looked [...]

Memory Terms

The first Bit of Data A bit is a single character in binary, and actually [...]

AI Advertising and Glasgow Wonka

It’s official – even small events are using AI for their ads, to mixed results. [...]

The World’s Most Specific Shirt

You’ve probably seen some variation of the shirt. You’re wondering how it’s so wildly specific. [...]

What is an RFID Chip?

Definitions RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, and it’s usually used in the context of [...]

Reasons to Recycle Your Phone

1.Lithium batteries are not biodegradable. In general, modern materials don’t really degrade much. When was [...]

You Don’t Need New Clothes From Shein

The fast fashion and consumer gadget industries are pumping out literal tons of cheap products [...]