If it defies common logic, it may be astroturfing. AstroTurfing Astroturfing is defined by Wikipedia [...]
2FA: Do’s and Don’t’s
We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again – 2FA is one of the biggest [...]
Tape over the WebCam: You’re Not Paranoid
It’s surprisingly easy to get into an unprotected webcam. Whether it’s through malware or the [...]
Parler Was An Objectively Poorly-Made Website
Parler was poorly made. Good websites can lose data, sure, but generally it’s not dozens [...]
Razer Mouse Driver Causes Breach
Peripherals Peripherals. Your keyboard, mouse, drawing pad, Apple Pen, game controller, and more are considered [...]
Which Animals Can Pass Through What EM Waves?
You might have heard it as a fun fact: an ant could survive in a [...]
Fast Fashion
You’ve likely heard the term before – and for good reason. Fast fashion is bad [...]
Stunt Food
You might have seen some bizarre video of a chicken with an entire block of [...]
Auto-Beauty Filters are a Problem
Touchups People have been faking it since the era of portraitry – you’ll notice the [...]
Battlefield 2042 Lost 70% of it’s players in two weeks on Steam
You might have seen it hit the news: Battlefield 2042, the latest in the Battlefield [...]