Reasons to Recycle your Phone
1.Lithium batteries are not biodegradable. In general, modern materials don’t really degrade much. [...]
How do RFID chips work?
Definitions RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, and it’s usually used in the context [...]
AI Remastering – Sometimes, It Looks Bad
Computers can do incredible things, but sometimes the things they work on still need a [...]
Different Kinds of Screens
There are many different screens. From gigantic vacuum-tube TVs to the flattest of the flat [...]
The World of Crypto Scams
Yep – it’s mainstream now. What is Cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency is a digital currency protected [...]
Podcasts, Podcasts Everywhere
Tech advancements leading to podcasts being everywhere. What happened? There was a time when [...]
Good and Bad Ways to Cool a Computer
Listen, sometimes machines get old, and they work too hard, and then you don’t [...]
Wildly Specific T-Shirts: Why?
You’ve probably seen some variation of the shirt. You’re wondering how it’s so wildly specific. [...]
Bitcoin’s dip is Affecting GPU Prices
Cryptocurrency affects the price of hardware IRL now. There’s an entire legion of computers that [...]
Avoiding Doxxing
On TikTok, posting personal details and Facebook profiles of feuding personalities is becoming normal, [...]