Mars Polar Lander: A Different Bug!
Distances in space can seem unfathomable. Each planet comes with a different set of [...]
Mars Orbiter: Measuring Matters
Picture the time: it’s 1999, and we’re in a new era of peace. We’re [...]
Updates? NOT Magic.
Update? You’ve seen our articles on Apple Wave, and you might remember iPhone users being [...]
Terrible Tool Tips to Make People Dislike You
This is a short list. 1. Close The Program (or tell them to) Alt+F4 is [...]
Samsung Battery Recall: The Worst Possible Outcome
Samsung made the news a few years back over their exploding batteries. 2.5 million Samsung [...]
Thinner is A Horror Story
What’s the final goal of these wafer-thin devices? You’ve likely noticed it in your own [...]
How do Touch Screens Work?
You’ve seen them everywhere: the grocery store self-checkout. The signing pad, at the bank. The [...]
Waterproofing and Phones
Getting your phone wet used to be a death sentence. It still is, for a [...]
Bendy Phones
The bendable iPhone mess legitimately started as an accident: skinny jeans were in style, and [...]