Category Archives: Ideas

Why do Recipe Websites Give you an Essay Before the Recipe? Or, the ~Magic~ of Ads.

  Cookbooks. They’re great. They don’t have to load their contents, and they usually contain [...]

How do RFID chips work?

Definitions   RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, and it’s usually used in the context [...]

Good and Bad Ways to Cool a Computer

  Listen, sometimes machines get old, and they work too hard, and then you don’t [...]

When did Brand Twitter get Creepy?

Where is the line, here? Strange Marketing Decisions You might have seen a strange tweet [...]

Traditional Storage vs Quantum Storage: What Does it Actually Mean?

  Traditional Methods Traditional storage means a lot of things, right now. Magnetic storage is [...]

Public Campaigns Vs. Public Image: A McDonald’s Story

#Farmers of McDonalds   #MeettheFarmers was the initial campaign, the one that McDonald’s had planned [...]

How to make a bad UI – Dropdown Edition

  I’ve seen all of these. Witnessed them with my own eyes. How can a [...]

Optical Storage

  Optical storage is defined by IBM as any storage medium that uses a laser [...]

Curb-Cutting Effect: Accessible Software is Good for Everyone

  Certain design choices make software easier to use – and there’s no reason not [...]

Moderator Bots: Baby Steps

  In a world of ever-growing conversations and large forums, moderating manpower is in high [...]