Category Archives: Technology

Is Brand Twitter Over?

Popular fast-food restaurant chain Wendy’s has been getting a lot of attention online. It’s not [...]

Are ARGs Still Cool?

Okay, so the Mandela Catalogue’s creator recently got into some hot water, and now the [...]

Your IoT Devices Are Opening Doors For Hackers

Internet of Things items are convenient, otherwise they wouldn’t be selling. At least not next [...]

How To Handle A Hack: Blizzard in 2012

In 2012, game developers were beginning to experiment with a principle known as “always on”. [...]


Shovelware refers to a certain kind of small, quickly made game that’s there purely to [...]

Pirating Is a Crime

Piracy is a crime. Don’t pirate things. They’re serious about it. There are real reasons [...]

Sony’s DRM Nightmare

In 2005, an organization had been covertly installing a program similar to a rootkit onto [...]

The Worst Way To Make A Password

There are many ways to make good passwords. How do you make a password that [...]

Don’t Delete Your System32

System 32 is essentially the heart of the computer’s software. Task manager, the boot-up instructions, [...]

Remember the Apple Wheels?

Ah, Complaining. Apple Wheels The Apple Mac Pro cost several thousand dollars, and it looked [...]