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Microsoft Set to Block SolarWinds Orion Binaries

Jeff Technology, Trends December 16, 2020


Microsoft is preparing to quarantine malicious versions of the SolarWinds Orion application used in recent nation state attacks, in a move that may crash systems.


The computing giant had previously released detections to alert customers of its Windows Defender security product if they were running the malicious updates. Although it was recommended that such customers isolate and investigate any such devices, the decision was down to them.


However, in an update yesterday Microsoft effectively said it was taking the decision out of the hands of its customers.


“Starting on Wednesday, December 16 at 8:00 AM PST, Microsoft Defender Antivirus will begin blocking the known malicious SolarWinds binaries,” it said.


“This will quarantine the binary even if the process is running. We also realize this is a server product running in customer environments, so it may not be simple to remove the product from service.”


Over the weekend reports emerged that a previous attack on FireEye was part of a much larger Russian intelligence plot to steal sensitive information from US government and countless other unnamed organizations.


The vector was Orion updates which the attackers managed to seed with malicious binaries used to install the Sunburst (aka Solarigate) backdoor malware. SolarWinds confirmed to the SEC that 18,000 customers were affected.


However, as the product performs crucial network management operations, Microsoft’s decision could theoretically cause some disruption.


“It is important to understand that these binaries represent a significant threat to customer environments,” it argued. “Customers should consider any device with the binary as compromised and should already be investigating devices with this alert.”


Microsoft urged victim organizations to immediately isolate affected devices, identify accounts used on the device and assume they have been compromised, reset passwords, look for lateral movement tools and more.


We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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Twitter Fined Half a Million Dollars for Privacy Violation

Jeff Technology, Trends December 16, 2020

Twitter has been fined over half a million dollars for violating European Union data protection laws in the first EU-wide privacy case. 


The EU’s chief data watchdog today announced that it has issued an administrative fine of 450,000 euros ($547,000) to the social media titan for being too slow to notify Android phone users located across the EU of a data breach that threatened their privacy.


A further finding of the investigation into the breach by Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) was that Twitter failed to adequately document the security incident. 


The DPC’s investigation into the incident commenced in January 2019 following receipt of a breach notification from Twitter. On Tuesday, the DPC stated that Twitter “infringed Article 33(1) and 33(5) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in terms of a failure to notify the breach on time to the DPC and a failure to adequately document the breach.” 


Under EU data protection rules, it is a requirement to report a breach within 72 hours of discovery. 


The commission described the not insignificant financial penalty levied on the American company as “an effective, proportionate and dissuasive measure.”


According to the Binding Decision of the Board, the data breach arose from a bug in Twitter’s design that caused the protected tweets of Android device users to become unprotected without their consent if users changed the email address associated with their Twitter account. 


The bug, which affected 88,726 EU and EEA users between September 2017 and January 2019, was traced back to a code change made on November 4, 2014. It was discovered on December 26, 2018, by the external contractor managing Twitter’s bug bounty program.


Referencing the significance of the Twitter inquiry, the DPC stated: “The draft decision in this inquiry, having been submitted to other Concerned Supervisory Authorities under Article 60 of the GDPR in May of this year, was the first one to go through the Article 65 (‘dispute resolution’) process since the introduction of the GDPR and was the first Draft Decision in a ‘big tech’ case on which all EU supervisory authorities were consulted as Concerned Supervisory Authorities.”


We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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Web app attacks are up 800% compared to 2019

Jeff Technology, Trends December 7, 2020

Report finds many attacks focus on companies least impacted by COVID-19 outbreak

Web application attacks have increased by over 800%, according to the State of the Web Security for H1 2020 report.

Published by CDN and cloud security provider CDNetworks, the report found that during the first half of this year, web application attacks, which use malformed requests or injected payloads to steal data, modify data or obtain privileges illicitly, increased nine times relative to H1 2019.

CDNetworks saw and blocked over 4.2 billion web application attacks during H1 2020.

The statistic show that web application attacks in the public sector surpassed attacks in retail venues, making the public sector the single most attacked industry during this period

“In fact, over 1 billion of the web attacks were targeted toward the public sector, which accounts for 26% of total attacks,” the report says. “Equally disturbing is the fact that with artificial intelligence (AI) becoming a vital part of cybersecurity, hackers are now using machine learning to detect and crack vulnerabilities in networks and systems.”

The company collected anonymized data from its clients and said the statistics showed enterprises are “experiencing challenging times in their attempts to defend against cyber attacks and protect their online assets.”

The report also found that DDoS attack incidents saw over a 147% year-on-year growth as of H1 2020. This increase peaked in February and March and remained at elevated levels. Similarly, attack peaks more than doubled in H1 2019 compared to H1 2020. The study found the most prevalent DDoS attacks were SYN flood at 53% and UDP flood at 35%. ACK flood and ICMP flood attacks were significantly lower at 8% and 4%, respectively

According to the report, bot attacks nearly doubled in 2020 with 10.38 billion bot attacks blocked by the firm. CDNetworks said this figure was 97% higher than H1 2019. On average, CDNetworks blocked 660 bot attack incidents, nearly doubling H1 2019.

Bot attacks relate directly to economic trends. In previous years, bot attacks focused on tourism and related industries, such as transportation and hospitality. But COVID-19’s impact on tourism and hospitality, online services, e-commerce and gaming are now bot attacks’ primary targets.

The report added that hackers are extremely sensitive to industry transformations and switch their attack tools and methods to keep pace with these changes.

“Nowhere is this more evident than with the Covid pandemic, where a decline in the tourism industry has prompted attackers to move toward exploiting online learning, telecommuting, and other businesses that are flourishing during the current pandemic,” the report’s authors said.


We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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Are you getting the most out of Microsoft Teams?

Jeff Technology, Trends December 7, 2020

Whether or not you made the journey back to the office during the relative relaxation of restrictions during the summer months, we’re all working from home again now.


The difference between the last lockdown and this one is that this time we know the drill. Charities have had time to find out what works for them and what doesn’t and to build digital processes with an eye towards longer-term sustainability.


According to a recent survey, more than 74% of organisations are planning to permanently shift to a more remote way of working, with 83% of employees stating that they would like to continue to work from home at least occasionally.


It’s arrived sooner than many of us hoped, but we now have the opportunity to fine-tune our digital systems, and to make sure that our operations are optimised for maximum efficiency.


Microsoft Teams has been a constant companion for many of us during 2020. As organisations prepare to move services back online, at least for the remainder of the month, we examine how charities can get the most out of their subscription. If you’re new to the platform, you can learn the basics here, before coming back to learn about these more advanced features.


Get Set Up With Bots

Teams is a great way to stay in touch with your colleagues. But if you’re part of a larger organisation, or even just one with a lot of group chats, the incessant pinging can get to you.


If you come back to your laptop after lunch to find you’re swamped with notifications, it can be stressful having to sort through them all and worrying you might have missed something vital.


Luckily, Teams comes equipped with a solution: an array of fully-integrated bots!


The handy little helpers can help automate a number of simple tasks, saving you time and cutting down on admin. Check out this list of some of the most popular bots to get you started. Or, if you’re in the market for something a little more bespoke, Microsoft offers guidance on setting up your own.


Search For Files

One of Teams’ most appealing features is the quick and easy file-sharing.


But if you and your colleagues are sending files back and forth all day, it can be easy to lose track of who, what, where and when (and maybe even why).


Not to worry – locating any missing files is simple. In any conversation or channel, you have two options. You can click the ‘files’ tab to see a dropdown list of files shared in that channel. Alternatively, you can enter a keyword in the search field, and find select files quickly.


Searching private channels can be a bit more complex. Because each private channel has its own SharePoint, separate from the parent team site, files shared a private channel are managed independently.


Teams doesn’t support this manner of content search for a single channel. This means that the whole parent team must be searched. To perform a content search of a private channel, search across the team, the site collection associated with the private channel (to include files), and mailboxes of private channel members (to include messages).


This can be a tricky process. Luckily, Microsoft offers clear and actionable guidance on the subject.


Get Secure With Mobile Device Management and MFA

Because so many Teams users find the platform intuitive and simple to grasp, we can often use it very casually. It is common to disclose important information with colleagues over Teams. We can do so safe in the knowledge that Microsoft’s market-leading security is keeping sensitive data safe.


But any security system is only as strong as its weakest link. A lost or stolen device can lead to a data breach with serious consequences.


Think for a moment about the messages you have sent via Teams over the past few days. Consider any personal or sensitive conversations you might have had, as well as any vital organisational files you might have shared. Would you feel comfortable with this information finding its way into the hands of cyber criminals?


If not, then you might want to take advantage of Microsoft 365’s security features – specifically, Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).


Microsoft 365 offers a simple MDM system. This allows admins to create and deploy a number of security policies to help secure your data from threats. For example, you can set a policy so that a device will lock after a set time of inactivity, or after multiple sign-in failures.

Microsoft 365 also offers the capability to remotely wipe corporate data from a device. This has both its pluses and its minuses. It will ensure the security of your data. However, it is best used as a last resort, as this action will wipe everything on the device.


For more advanced MDM functionality, Microsoft Intune Device Management Platform offers enterprise level security.


Break Down Barriers With Together Mode

Together Mode is a popular recent additions to Teams’ features. You may have seen it across various social media platforms or in memes over the last few months.


This virtual filter can give the appearance of your team all being in a room together. The feature connects meeting attendees by bringing their video feeds together in one space. It does this by embedding visuals from separate cameras into a shared environment. This is an alternative to the grid layout that places camera feeds side-by-side.


With teams working for extensive period of time, digital solutions like this can help to boost morale and keep up camaraderie.


Integrate Your Telephony With Teams Voice

There are further upgrades you can make to Microsoft Teams to boost functionality and improve communications.


One of these is Teams Voice. This innovative new product from voluntary sector communications experts, Class Networks, lets organisations make and receive external calls through Microsoft Teams. This solution can take the place of their existing phone system, saving charities time and money.


By combining their telephony system with Microsoft Teams, Teams Voice represents a simple option and provides key benefits.


The first of these benefits is reduced cost. Leveraging the resources you’re already using on the Microsoft platform keeps costs to a minimum. This is because you’re not paying for anything extra like line rentals, SIP trunk rentals, cloud user licensing or phone handsets. Instead, Teams Voice makes the most of the Office 365 licensing and devices your charity is already paying for.


Teams Voice also allows charities to control costs by providing a calling plan for Microsoft Teams users to make unlimited phone calls to and from any local, national and mobile number.

Charities can benefit from a unified platform for all their internal and external communications. This means that means video meetings, instant messaging, file sharing and collaboration – with calls to and from people outside the organisation seamlessly included – can all be done through a single platform.


Users can make calls from any device or location with no specialist equipment needed. You can choose to use headsets or go hands-free, from the app, browser or a mobile device. This makes it a lot more convenient for users working from home or remote locations.


Charities don’t need to worry about keeping in touch with existing contacts, as users retain their existing numbers and can use all the traditional telephone functionality such ase ring groups, queues, auto attendants and voicemail. All of this can be managed through Microsoft Teams.


There are no additional user accounts with more passwords to manage, because staff simply use their existing user accounts in Microsoft Teams, putting you in control of security and saving time.


We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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What is Microsoft Teams? Here’s what you need to know

Jeff Technology, Trends November 23, 2020

As companies acclimate to remote working, it’s more important than ever to have functional, well-integrated software that can help co-workers connect with each other and share information — without needing to call a meeting.


Enter Microsoft Teams. Like other workplace integration programs, such as Slack, Teams allows you to easily communicate with your co-workers in one secure window.


Teams, slated to replace Skype for Business by July 2021, is able to do a lot of things that its competitors can’t thanks to its ability to easily integrate with Office 365. So on top of chatting with co-workers and creating chat rooms for smaller groups, you can also use a number of helpful Office applications, like Outlook, OneNote, and Excel.


Here’s an overview of how Microsoft Teams works.


What you need to know about Microsoft Teams

When you create a new Team and add members, they are all automatically added to the “General” channel. From there, you can create new channels for smaller teams or groups, which essentially function as different group chats or conversations.


For example, while your General channel might include everyone in your company, you might also create specific channels for different departments, like marketing, accounting, sales, etc. You could also make a single team for one department, if it’s a larger one, and divide that team into subsections from there. You’re free to organize your workplace however you choose.


These conversations will function as the main method of communication — though you can also message other team members privately at any time. Conversations are easily searchable, and you can even tag specific people if there’s a message you need them to pay attention to.


Within these conversations, you can easily schedule and carry out group calls with your team or channel — so now those midday meetings and end-of-week get-togethers can also happen right in the workspace app.


Microsoft Teams works with other Microsoft and third-party apps

Creating a new Team also creates a corresponding Planner, SharePoint, Office 365 group, and shared OneNote. All of these additional programs can be accessed directly from the Teams window and allow you to work on shared documents and projects simultaneously, without the need to send files back and forth.


These integrated workspaces appear as tabs in the Teams window. The three tabs that thereby default are Conversations, Files, and Notes. Files is a tab where you can open any Microsoft 365 file that you’ve shared in the workspace, so you don’t have to keep switching between windows whenever you want to work on a different project. Notes is a tab where your whole Team can keep running notes, for whatever purposes they deem necessary.


In addition to these integrated Microsoft programs, Teams also lets you add new tabs integrating other third-party software, like Asana or Soapbox. Even if your workplace doesn’t exclusively use Microsoft products for organization, you can still keep everything in one neat, convenient window.

We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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Your Microsoft Teams call might be about to get a whole lot more interesting

Jeff Technology, Trends November 23, 2020

Low code app development will be available in Microsoft Teams meetings

Microsoft Teams users will now have access to low code tools through the new Power Apps and Power Virtual Agents apps, the company has said. The coronavirus pandemic has created a situation where individuals are no longer asking, “What is Teams?” and are instead continually looking for the platform to deliver new features.


The added functionality comes with more people working remotely and, as a result, requiring easy access to resources natively within the Teams app.


Businesses will soon be able to collaborate on app development and instantly share their creations with the rest of their organization through the Teams app store.


“The new Power Apps app for Teams allows users to build and deploy custom apps without leaving Teams,” a Microsoft blog explained. “With the simple, embedded graphical app studio, it’s never been easier to build low code apps for teams. You can also harness immediate value from built-in teams app templates like the great ideas or inspections apps, which can be deployed in one click and customized easily.”


I’ve got the power

Using the Power Platform, Microsoft wants customers to build Teams apps that are specific to their business. With the new platform, anyone can build apps, workflows and chatbots regardless of their coding experience.


In addition to Power Apps and Power Virtual Agents, Microsoft has also launched Dataverse for Teams, a new relational datastore that will provide the key business data that organizations need to build new low code apps.


Microsoft knows that it has a battle on its hands to come out on top in the video conference space. Although Teams has seen its user figures rise dramatically since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, so too have its rivals. The addition of native low code app development could provide a key differentiating factor.

We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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With COVID-19 hanging on, migration to the cloud accelerates

Jeff Technology, Trends November 17, 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of abating, migration to the cloud is expected to accelerate as enterprises choose to let someone else worry about their server gear.


In its global IT outlook for 2021 and beyond, IDC predicts the continued migration of enterprise IT equipment out of on-premises data centers and into data centers operated by cloud service providers (such as AWS and Microsoft) and colocation specialists (such as Equinix and Digital Realty).


The research firm expects that by the end of 2021, 80% of enterprises will put a mechanism in place to shift to cloud-centric infrastructure and applications twice as fast as before the pandemic. CIOs must accelerate the transition to a cloud-centric IT model to maintain competitive parity and to make the organization more digitally resilient, the firm said.


“The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted that the ability to rapidly adapt and respond to unplanned/foreseen business disruptions will be a clearer determiner of success in our increasingly digitalized economy,” said Rick Villars, IDC group vice president for worldwide research, in a statement. “A large percentage of a future enterprise’s revenue depends upon the responsiveness, scalability, and resiliency of its infrastructure, applications, and data resources.”


In this new normal, the most important thing enterprises can do is seek opportunities to leverage new technologies to take advantage of competitive/industry disruptions and extend capabilities for business acceleration.


Additional IDC predictions include:


  • Edge becomes a top priority: Reactions to changing workforce and operations practices during the pandemic will be the dominant accelerators for 80% of edge-driven investments and business model changes in most industries through 2023.
  • The intelligent digital workspace: By 2023, 75% of global 2000 companies will commit to providing technical parity to a workforce that is hybrid by design rather than by circumstance, enabling them to work together separately and in real-time.
  • The pandemic’s IT legacy: Through 2023, coping with technical debt accumulated during the pandemic will shadow 70% of CIOs, causing financial stress, inertial drag on IT agility, and “forced march” migrations to the cloud.
  • Resiliency is central to the next normal: In 2022, enterprises focused on digital resiliency will adapt to disruption and extend services to respond to new conditions 50% faster than ones fixated on restoring existing business/IT resiliency levels.
  • A shift towards autonomous IT operations: Thanks to AI/ML advances in analytics, and emerging cloud ecosystem will be the underlying platform for all IT and business automation initiatives by 2023.
  • Opportunistic AI expansion: By 2023, one-quarter of global 2000 companies will acquire at least one AI software start-up to ensure ownership of differentiated skills and IP out of competitive necessity.
  • Relationships are under review: By 2024, 80% of enterprises will overhaul relationships with suppliers, providers, and partners to better execute digital strategies.
  • Sustainability becomes a factor: By 2025, 90% of global 2000 companies will mandate reusable materials in IT hardware supply chains, carbon neutrality targets for providers’ facilities, and lower energy use as prerequisites for doing business.
  • People still matter: Through 2023, half of the enterprises’ hybrid workforce and business automation efforts will be delayed or will fail outright due to underinvestment in building IT/Sec/DevOps teams with the right tools/skills. Enterprises will turn to new ways to find the talent they need

We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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Microsoft Teams reaches 115 million daily active users

Jeff Technology, Trends November 17, 2020

Today we announced that Microsoft Teams reached 115 million daily active users (DAU).* This growth reflects the continued demand for Teams as the lifeline for remote and hybrid work and learning during the pandemic, helping people and organizations in every industry stay agile and resilient in this new era.


A new way to work and learn for a new digital age


When the pandemic first instigated a global shift to remote work, videoconferencing emerged as an immediate solution to work-from-home restrictions. But as the initial era of “remote everything” has given way to durable, hybrid models of work and learning, we’ve entered a new digital age that is completely transforming how we work and learn—today and for the next decade.


To connect, collaborate, and create in this new world of work—whether that be at home or school, in the office or in firstline industries like healthcare and manufacturing—we need an experience that goes so far beyond video meetings or chat alone.


The key to productivity is to move beyond transactional meetings and focus on the flow of work. People don’t just open Teams to join a meeting and then close it when the meeting is over; they work in Teams all day.  It’s a place to exchange ideas, share information, and create human connections. It’s where people work before, during, and after a meeting, and it supports all the different ways people engage and collaborate together. 


Teams brings together meetings, chat, calls, collaboration, third-party apps, and business processes into a single experience, and we are seeing increased usage intensity in Teams as people communicate, collaborate, and co-author content across work, life, and learning.


Powered by Microsoft 365


As much as Teams has transformed work for our customers, it’s really the tip of the iceberg. Because as people work all day in Teams, they also get the full breadth and depth of Microsoft 365, the integrated suite of graph-connected productivity apps and experiences behind the familiar tools we all rely on every day to connect, collaborate, and get work done.


For that reason, daily active usage only tells a portion of the collaboration story; a broader collaboration metric is needed to understand the changing ways in which we work and collaborate. What’s needed now is a metric that demonstrates the breadth of services people use and the new rich and varied ways in which collaboration happens across hybrid work environments. The true measure of collaboration transcends simple videoconferencing or chat-based communications. Our more holistic view takes into account the many ways people and teams engage in the flow of work. In Teams we see meetings, but also small group huddles, chats, calls, document collab, and individual work. And enabling all of it digitally is our vision for collaboration in the new digital age.

So today we’re also sharing a new Microsoft 365 daily collaboration minutes (DCM) metric** defined as the sum of all minute’s people spent in Microsoft 365 apps like Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, SharePoint, OneDrive, and more. This quarter, Microsoft 365 users around the world generated more than 30 billion collaboration minutes in a single day as people communicated, collaborated, and co-authored content across work, life, and learning. This new metric combines both synchronous and asynchronous collaboration and reflects the changing nature of work. With Teams as a hub, Microsoft 365 brings the power of the cloud to every person, providing them with a secure, integrated experience designed for a new world of work. 


Here’s what some of our customers have to say about Teams and Microsoft 365:


“Everybody was depending on Microsoft Teams as our way of continuing business—both in the classroom and throughout the university community. A product that is responsive to our current and our future needs.”- Dr. Cynthia DeLuca, Associate VP for Innovative Education, University of South Florida (Read more here.) 


“Microsoft technology has been an integral part of NFL operations for several years,” says Michelle McKenna, CIO, NFL. “And with the new challenges ahead of us this season, Microsoft will be instrumental in helping us innovate the best possible experiences for our players, coaches, officials, and fans, through activation like the Fan Mosaic and the Bud Light Showtime cam.” (Read more here.)


“When you move everybody home and you’ve built your network to handle 300 global offices and now you’ve got 20,000 home offices, that broke a lot of stuff—but what it also did was make Microsoft Teams shine.” – Bruce Kurkiewicz, Advanced Technology Account Executive, CDW + Rockwell Automation (Read more here.)


“Understanding where our customers are headed is a big part of how we’re shaping our future. We couldn’t do that without a corresponding digital, agile, and mobile workplace built on Microsoft 365.” – Tom McKee, Chief Information Officer, Kennametal (Read more here.)


“No matter what part of the business we support or where we are located, we use Teams and the rest of the Microsoft 365 platform to best communicate with customers and engage with our associates.” –  Denise Owens, Senior Director of Information Technology for End User Computing at Office Depot (Read more here.)


It’s clear the people need rich tools for all the ways they want to collaborate and communicate in the new world of work—tools that transcend siloed videoconferencing or chat and enable people to stay in the flow of work. Microsoft provides a platform for work, life, and learning that delivers the best collaboration experience to our customers over the long term.


And we are committed to using this unique ability to help unlock human potential for people and organizations everywhere. There’s no doubt that we live in challenging times, and that more challenges lie ahead. But when we provide people with the ability to connect, collaborate, and create from anywhere, there’s no limit to what they can achieve together. 

We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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The 5 Biggest Cloud Computing Trends In 2021

Jeff Technology, Trends November 9, 2020

The events of 2020 have turned most predictions for 2021 on their head. Top trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) will still define the ways in which tech reshapes our lives in the next year. However, the most significant use cases now involve helping us to adapt and survive in the changing times we are living through.


No trend is more relevant to this than cloud computing. Cloud is the backbone of the data-driven, app-based tech ecosystem that has been vital in helping us manage this change. Everything from contact tracing to home delivery services, remote medicine, and working (and playing) from home has been revolutionized by cloud services.


Throughout 2021, we can expect to see the rate of this change accelerate as more businesses get to grips with adopting cloud models, and delivery of data from the cloud to our devices becomes more integral to our daily lives. Here are some of the ways in which I can see this playing out over the course of 2021:


1. Multi-cloud approaches will lead to a breakdown of barriers between providers

Currently, the big public cloud providers – Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and so on – take something of a walled garden approach to the services they provide. And why not? Their business model has involved promoting their platforms as one-stop-shops, covering all of an organization’s cloud, data, and compute requirements. In practice, however, industry is increasingly turning to hybrid or multi-cloud environments (see below), with requirements for infrastructure to be deployed across multiple models.


What this means is that there are growing calls for the big providers to create bridges between their platforms. This runs contrary to their business models, which are reliant on an ability to upsell greater cloud capacity as well as additional services as their customers scale. Adopting a more collaborative approach doesn’t just enable customers to take greater advantage of the fast-growing multi-cloud trend, though. It will also benefit organizations needing to share data and access with partners in their supply chain, which may all be working across diverse applications and data standards. This is also a space where we are likely to see growing levels of innovation from startups, creating services that simplify the process of operating between different public cloud platforms.


2. AI will improve the efficiency and speed of cloud computing

As far as cloud goes, AI is a key enabler of several ways in which we can expect technology to adapt to our needs throughout 2021. Cloud-based as-a-service platforms enable users on just about any budget and with any level of skill to access machine learning functions such as image recognition tools, language processing, and recommendation engines. Cloud will continue to allow these revolutionary toolsets to become more widely deployed by enterprises of all sizes and in all fields, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.


Autonomous vehicles, smart city infrastructure, and pandemic response planning are all fields of research where the effects of smarter algorithms delivered through cloud services will be felt. Machine learning also plays a big part in the logistics processes that keep cloud data centers up and running. Cooling systems, networks of hardware, and power usage in these delicate and expensive environments can all be monitored and managed by AI algorithms in order to optimize running efficiency and minimize their impact on the environment. Research and development in this field are likely to continue to lead to new breakthroughs in data center speed and efficiency.


3. Gaming will be increasingly delivered from the cloud, just like music and movies 

Amazon most recently joined the ranks of tech giants and startups offering their own platform for cloud gaming. Just as with music and video streaming before it, cloud gaming promises to revolutionize the way we consume entertainment media by offering instant access to vast libraries of games that can be played for a monthly subscription. During 2020, services were launched by Google, Microsoft, and Nvidia, while Sony’s has been available for several years now. Even though new Xbox and Playstation consoles are being developed, costing around $500, industry experts are predicting that the days when we need to spend hundreds on new hardware every few years to stay at the cutting edge of gaming may be drawing to a close, thanks to the coming-of-age of cloud gaming.


4. Hybrid and on-premise cloud solutions grow in popularity

Choosing between a public, private, or hybrid cloud environment has proved challenging for some organizations. Each route offers advantages and disadvantages when it comes to flexibility, performance, security, and compliance. But as cloud ecosystems have matured, many have found there’s no magic one-size-fits-all solution on the shelves. Hybrid or multi-cloud environments, where users pick and choose the individual elements of service providers’ offerings that suit their needs, have grown in popularity, leading to a situation where those providers have begun to reassess their models of delivery.


Amazon and Google, for example, have traditionally been market leaders that relied on selling their customers space on their public cloud platforms, whereas Microsoft and IBM have been more flexible with enabling users to deploy their cloud tools and technologies across their existing, on-premises networks. Now it seems that these providers have woken up to the need for different platforms and approaches within organizations – perhaps utilizing public cloud to provide content delivery while storing and processing customer data and other controlled information via private or on-premise solutions. There will also be a growing demand for “bare metal” cloud space – raw storage and compute power where businesses can simply “lift and shift” their existing systems into the cloud without having to adapt them to run on pre-installed software or services. The need to consolidate these user requirements will be a driving force behind the direction in which cloud services evolve throughout 2021.


5. More of us will be working on Virtual Cloud Desktops

This is basically where the entire environment of our workstation is delivered as a managed cloud service to our laptop or desktop screen where we work. This means that organizations can take advantage of by-the-hour subscriptions for the time their employees spend working at their machines, eliminating the cost of hardware updates and the need to dispose of redundant technology.


Sometimes known as desktop-as-a-service, this model of computing is offered by Amazon via the Workspaces platform and Microsoft with Windows Virtual Desktop. Google also offers functionality through its Chromebook devices. In practice, this can increase efficiency across a workforce by ensuring everyone is using up-to-date, synchronized technology. It also benefits security as all devices can be managed in a centralized way, rather than having to make sure everyone on the network is following best practice. When people join or leave a company, the cost simply scales up as the number of hours spent using the platform increases or decreases. This flexible functionality means virtual desktop services are likely to become increasingly popular in the coming years.

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In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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Hotel Booking Firm Leaks Data on Millions of Guests

Jeff Technology, Trends November 9, 2020

A hotel software provider has exposed the personal data of millions of guests around the world after misconfiguring an AWS bucket, according to a new report from Website Planet.


The tech site’s security team discovered an exposed cloud database belonging to Spanish developer Prestige Software, whose platform enables hotels to automate their availability on booking websites like Expedia.


The misconfigured S3 bucket contained over 10 million individual log files, dating back to 2013. Website Planet researcher, Mark Holden, warned that the total number of affected individuals could be even greater than this, as some logs contained personally identifiable information (PII) for multiple members of a single booking.


Among the leaked data were full names, email addresses, national ID numbers and the phone numbers of hotel guests. For hundreds of thousands of individuals card booking details including card number, cardholder’s name, CVV and expiration date were also exposed.


Prestige’s Cloud Hospitality platform appears to be used by many of the top online travel agent (OTA) sites out there including Agoda, Expedia, and


Website Planet reached out to AWS directly to disclose the incident, which was fixed the day after. Prestige Software also confirmed to it that it is the owner of the data.


The leaked information could have offered malicious third parties a trove of data to commit identity fraud, launch follow-on phishing attacks and even hijack and change booking details.


As a result, the Spanish developer may face questions from GDPR and PCI DSS investigators over the incident.


“Millions of people were potentially exposed in the data breach, from all over the world. We can’t guarantee that somebody hasn’t already accessed the S3 bucket and stolen the data before we found it,” argued Holden.


“So far, there is no evidence of this happening. However, if it did, there would be enormous implications for the privacy, security and financial wellbeing of those exposed.”

We’re Elixis Technology

In the ever-changing, technology-centric world we live in, it’s vital to have an I.T. solution source you can count on. At Elixis Technology, it is our mission to help businesses — big and small — produce the results their customers demand, with technology that actually works.


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