A lot of white-collar workers with desk jobs struggle with problems caused by sitting at said desk. In theory, a standing desk should help – at the bare minimum, changing position instead of sitting in the same position for eight to nine hours could only help with issues caused by sitting. But as anyone who must stand in one place for work will tell you, standing for eight to nine hours is also not easy on the body!
Is it possible to find the best of both worlds? Yes – but it will be both worlds. Firstly, take breaks – don’t stand or sit for prolonged periods of time. The big hubbub about standing desks wasn’t just that they were standing, it’s that they could swap between sitting or standing with a push of a button or a swing of a lever. Otherwise, just making the desks taller would have been the craze. Sitting can relieve back pain caused by standing, and vice versa, even if it’s in the same area. Bloodflow can become impeded in your legs whether you’re standing or sitting, so movement is the only real solution.
Secondly, the height of the standing desk is important! If it’s not at a place where you can naturally rest your arms on the desk, too high or too low, you won’t be seeing the benefits of it, and you may develop new issues with your posture trying to meet it. Many sites say you want the thing about elbow height, so you can type and use your mouse naturally. You’ll also want to adjust the monitor(s) so it’s facing upwards slightly towards you. The difference in angle between sitting and standing is slight, but it’s there. Your mouse and keyboard will likely also need some adjustment, but since they’re more mobile on the desk anyway, it’s not as easy to miss.
Websites also recommend investing in tools like anti-fatigue mats for standing, although the argument can be made that if you’re getting fatigued from standing, it’s probably time to sit back down anyway, or perhaps consider a change of shoes.
Sources: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-tips-for-using-a-standing-desk#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3