Tag Archives: AI

Erika: What even happened?

ChatGPT has numerous spin-off programs and cousin programs that achieve almost the same result. They’re [...]

AI Generated Shows Are Not A Solution

Endless Seinfeld was an experiment ran using a ChatGPT cousin tailored to the purpose of [...]

Moderator Bots: Do They Work?

In a world of ever-growing conversations and large forums, moderating manpower is in high demand. [...]

Stop Putting Stuff into AI Apps, Especially If It Wasn’t Yours In The First Place

Lensa AI is an app that uses AI combined with data scraped from pictures posted [...]

TikTok’s Censorship is Bad To Convey Ideas

“Unaliving” and Other Such Words TikTok started out pretty rough when it was introduced to [...]

V-Tubers: The Virtual Youtuber

You might have seen videos on Youtube’s front page for what looks like anime characters [...]

Fast Fashion

You’ve likely heard the term before – and for good reason. Fast fashion is bad [...]

Auto-Beauty Filters are a Problem

Touchups People have been faking it since the era of portraitry – you’ll notice the [...]

Bad AIs Eat Their Own Data

Poorly optimized algorithmic content is frustrating for users, in more ways than one. Ads (For [...]

Deepfakes: Should You be Concerned?

You might have seen those videos of “Tom Cruise” on TikTok, or maybe you saw [...]