Tag Archives: technology

What Is A V-Tuber Concert?

A V-Tuber is the colloquial name for a virtual entertainer puppeted by a real person. [...]

Public Internet Access Terminals

In the early days of the internet, the average computer was still bulky and often [...]

Nintendo Just Kind of Banned Gaming Tournaments

With little exception, having age-appropriate gaming tournaments is a good thing for a game (and [...]

Using Biometrics: Is It Really Better?

Some phones allow users to use their biometric data as 2FA, or as a password [...]

How Does A Hacker Use Public WiFi?

Ads for VPNs give their two biggest benefits as often as they can: that you [...]

Google Monopoly: What Does It Mean?

Proving something or someone has a monopoly in today’s era of technology is difficult – [...]

Why Won’t My Bluetooth Devices Link Up?

1) How far away is your other item? Headphones, speakers, and keyboards generally aren’t going [...]

Unity Just Gut-Punched It’s Users For Profit

Unity is a game engine, and it’s famous for its versatility and low resource requirements. [...]

Why are Game Downloads So Ridiculous?

The first Doom game is famous for how little space it takes up. Because of [...]

The Old Twitter Is Dead – Long Live Twitter

What Made You Think You Could Just Do That? When a company is big enough [...]